Given a string, find the shortest possible string which can be achieved by adding characters to the end of initial string to make it a palindrome.
For st = "abcdc"
, the output should bebuildPalindrome(st) = "abcdcba"
- [execution time limit] 20 seconds (swift)
- [input] string stGuaranteed constraints:
3 ≤ st.length ≤ 10
. - A string consisting of lowercase English letters.
- [output] string
문자열을 palindrome으로 만들어라
주어진 문자열을 뒤집었을때 똑같으면 그대로 리턴
똑같지 않으면 같은 부분부터 이어붙여 리턴
예> abba -> abba => abba
Kebab -> babek => kebabek
func buildPalindrome(st: String) -> String {
let reverse = String(st.reversed())
var idx = 0
var str = st
if reverse == st {
return st
} else {
for i in 1 ..< st.count {
let original = st.suffix(i)
let compare = String(original.reversed())
if original == compare {
idx = i
str += String(reverse[reverse.index(reverse.startIndex, offsetBy: idx)...])
return str
다른 사람 풀이
func buildPalindrome(st: String) -> String {
let sr = String(st.characters.reversed())
if st == sr {
return st
} else {
return String(st[st.startIndex]) + buildPalindrome(st: String(st.characters.dropFirst())) + String(st[st.startIndex])
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